FlossTube at Sea 2025 Shore Excursion

This excursion is an exclusive event for FlossTube at Sea. You must be registered for the 2025 FlossTube at Sea cruise to participate.

General Information

We arranged this excursion directly with Romney Manor and you will register for the excursion through Stitchers’ Escapes. Therefore, you will not see our excursion on your cruise planner after booking.

The tour will have a minimum and maximum number of guests. If it appears that we will not reach the minimum, we reserve the right to cancel the excursion and return the excursion registration fees.


Registration will open at 11am Eastern time on Saturday, October 26th, 2024. We will send the registration link to the group via email and post on it in the cruise Facebook group at that time.

If you will be paying for yourself and your traveling companion(s), you will be able to submit a registration form for everyone. If you need to submit a registration for someone who will pay for themselves, you will need to submit an individual form for each person. The Stitchers’ Escapes Crew will be unable to split invoices for multiple people on the same registration form.

Basseterre, St. Kitts & Nevis – Tuesday, January 28

Caribelle Batik at Romney Manor

Minimum: 20
Maximum: 80
Activity Level: Mild

Join your FlossTube Hosts and Stitchers’ Escapes Crew for a return visit to Caribelle Batik at Romney Manor on St Kitts. This was one of the best parts of the 2024 FlossTube at Sea cruise and so we are extra excited to be going back in 2025!

We will meet our drivers at the pier at 8:45 and return to the ship in time for a late lunch or you are welcome to enjoy the afternoon in Basseterre and return to the ship at your leisure.

Although we have a maximum of 80 participants, group size will be no more than 20 each. The groups will all enjoy the same features but in a different order. We will all enjoy …

  • a leisurely driving tour to take in the rugged beauty of St. Kitts during a 90-minute tour of the island with a local guide. You’ll have photo ops in interesting places, like where the Atlantic meets the Caribbean!
  • a batik demonstration of this traditional island craft with a hands-on lesson and our own sample to take home
  • a walk through the Manor’s lush and picturesque botanical gardens as we learn about the amazing variety plants and trees, including the magnificent 400 year-old Saman tree, the largest living organism on St. Kitts.
  • a chat with Romney Manor owner, Maurice, about the once sugar plantation’s history and it’s original owner, Thomas Jefferson’s great-great-great grandfather! This is a NEW feature for 2025
  • time to shop the wide array of gifts, wall hangings, apparel, and yard goods for which Caribelle Batik is justifiably famous
  • a moment to relax at the “Rainforest Bar” … you’ll feel like you’re in a tree house (refreshments will be on your own)

Make sure you have breakfast on the ship; this excursion does not include lunch.

Activity Note: The excursion requires walking over uneven surfaces and standing during the demonstration and activity. Accommodations for mobility assistance are handled on a case-by-case basis and must be requested in advance.